Faculty & Staff

Corrie Moreau

Corrie Moreau

Director & Curator

Professor Corrie Moreau’s research focuses on the evolution and diversification of ants and their symbiotic bacteria, which leverages molecular and genomic tools to address the origin of species and how co-evolved systems benefit both partners.  Also, she pursues questions on the role of biogeography and symbiosis in shaping macroevolutionary processes to better understand broad-scale evolutionary patterns of life.  In addition to her passion for scientific research, Dr. Moreau is also engaged with efforts to promote science communication and increase diversity in the sciences.  For more information on the Moreau Lab, please visit http://moreaulab.org
Jason Dombroskie

Jason Dombroskie

Collection Manager & Director of the Insect Diagnostic Lab

Jason Dombroskie (Ph.D.) is interested in the systematics and evolution of Lepidoptera, specializing in Tortricidae.  His research focuses on Lepidoptera biodiversity in New York State, and the systematics of the tortricid tribe Archipini.  He is also the coordinator and diagnostician for the Insect Diagnostic Lab.
Bryan Danforth

Bryan Danforth

Curator of Hymenoptera

Ann Hajek

Ann Hajek

Curator of Invasive Species

Patrick O'Grady

Patrick O'Grady

Curator of Diptera

Robert Raguso

Robert Raguso

Curator of Lepidoptera

Robert Reed

Robert Reed

Curator of Lepidoptera

Kerry Shaw

Kerry Shaw


Scott McArt

Scott McArt

Assistant Curator of Hymenoptera

Michael Sheehan

Michael Sheehan

Assistant Curator of Hymenoptera

Kyle Wickings

Kyle Wickings

Associate Curator of Soil Invertebrates

James Liebherr

James Liebherr

Emeritus Curator

Starting at Cornell in 1983, Jim Liebherr specializes in systematics of the beetle family Carabidae. Over the past 30 years he revised the native Hawaiian carabid beetles, uncovering biogeographic relationships of the various Hawaiian radiations. This led him to conduct further field work and revisionary studies of beetles in the Society Islands, New Zealand, and Australia. During his tenure as CUIC curator he oversaw moving the collection into its current modern facilities, and its improvement and expansion underwritten by several grants from the National Science Foundation and support of the J.C. Bradley Fund for the Advancement of Insect Taxonomy. He continues to improve the CUIC through his taxonomic contributions.

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